Paradoxical Intention

    1. Lisa is so cool!
    2. Have food
    3. Have an agenda and follow it
    4. Send an agenda in advance
    5. Plan meetings at a convenient time
    6. Send reminders about meeting
    7. Ask for feedback from participants
    8. Be attentive to others
    9. Make decisions that are best for kids
    10. Stick with facts and purpose of the meeting
    11. Have a solution if you have a complaint
    12. Come prepared
    13. Follow the time restraints
    14. Agree to follow up meetings
    15. Make sure technology works prior to meeting
    16. Pick the right people for the meeting
    17. Don’t insult the intelligence of the participants
    18. Only share need to know information
    19. Choose appropriate location
    20. Define roles and norms for the meeting
    21. Engaging presenter
    22. Be respectful of personal time and needs
    23. Have a purpose and share it openly
    24. Be professional

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