1. Job Search Ideas and Suggestions
  2. How Do I Get An Administrative Job?
  3. *******************
  4. 2. Communication skills (written and oral)
  5. 4. Be honest in everything you write in your resume and cover letter.
  6. 6. Do your homework about the district. Be prepared!
  7. 7. References. How many and what do I include?
  8. 8. Dress for Success.
  9. 9. What are credentials? Do I need them?
  10. 11. Applications: paper and electronic.
  11. 14. What to do following the interview.

Job Search Ideas and Suggestions


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How Do I Get An Administrative Job?

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1. Before you put together your resume and cover letter you need to ask yourself “why do I want to become an administrator?

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2. Communication skills (written and oral)
3. Cover letters. This is your chance to communicate and “impress the reader.” Write a cover letter that reflects your enthusiasm for leadership. Address it to the proper hiring official.

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4. Be honest in everything you write in your resume and cover letter.
5. How long should the cover letter and resume be? What about the paper it is written on? How important is a resume?

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6. Do your homework about the district. Be prepared!

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7. References. How many and what do I include?

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8. Dress for Success.

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9. What are credentials? Do I need them?
10. Job Search Etiquette. The little things do count. (Do be polite, do be professional, don’t gossip, don’t put down former employers, don’t have a “goofy” message on your answering machine, don’t name drop, do provide correct contact information, do use proper English, and be sure to thank people for their time.)

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11. Applications: paper and electronic.
12. What are school districts looking for? A candidate who knows why they want to be an administrator. Someone with demonstrated leadership skills and knowledge, someone who articulates and demonstrates they can work with ALL children and staff, someone who is and will be a good role model, someone who demonstrates they can be an effective member of a team, someone who can effectively manage and control students, faculty, and staff, someone with integrity, and someone who understands and can articulate and model effective teaching and learning. (In other words someone who can almost walk on water or at least swim upstream for long distances avoiding the logs.)
13. Interviewing. First impressions. Be yourself. Types of interviews (telephone, face to face, committees, structured and unstructured). How do I prepare? Practice answering questions, video tape yourself, have a friend help, etc.

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14. What to do following the interview.

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